Revelation Revealed
E-Book: Only $9.95

Why the message of Revelation has been hidden under a shroud of confusion and conflicting ideas.

How the message of Revelation sets free from fear, doom, and gloom.

The original meaning of Revelation as understood by the early church.

Exactly where we are in history, right before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

After reading Revelations all my life and listening to many different teachings over the years, Christine’s Revelation Revealed is the most interesting, with history, research and key words within the scriptures.
I learned a different perspective on the “tribulation,” tons of history and another level of understanding to Revelation.
Everyone who wants to understand the book of Revelation needs to read this book. Even if you come to a different conclusion, you will have a new understanding of YHVH, the Bible, and history.
I very much liked how the idea that Scripture interprets itself is held strong in the face of various Christian doctrines out there.
What You Will Learn

Tired of confusion? Using the teaching tools embedded within Scripture itself, learn how Scripture hands you the key to unlock the prophecy with clarity and understanding.

Then as the puzzle pieces begin to fall into place guided by Scripture’s own teaching tools, watch fear vanish to be replaced with the fruit of the Spirit: joy and peace!

Tomorrow’s headlines will not surprise you, when you are forearmed with confidence in God’s good plans for His people, and with the wisdom necessary to prevent foolish decisions in critical times.
Who Should Read It

Pastors and ministers who have been charged with rightly dividing the Word of God.

Christians who know the Scripture is true in all its statements.

The curious who have wondered what Revelation’s vision means for their future.

Anyone anxious of the doom and gloom broadcast from popular ministries.

The skeptical who believe the Bible is merely a product of the human mind.
Take a Look Inside
In addition to over 300 pages of commentary and explanation of the book of Revelation, all readers will also be able to access a special website that expands on the book with extra materials:
- Quotations from church fathers and historians
- Book citations and references
- Suggestions for deeper study
- Maps, photographs and artwork
- Answers to common questions
New content is added weekly, and readers can discuss together, and ask questions of the author, on the book discussion page.

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The book is available in paperback
and e-book.
Published by Nothing New Press and available as a premium paperback or as a PDF e-book — so you can read Revelation Revealed in virtually any way.
Coming Soon! Kindle format you can read on any device!
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Print Book: Only $16.95
E-Book: Only $9.95